REUTERS | Toby Melville

Andrew Denny and James Neill, Allen & Overy LLP consider the government’s consultation on the proposed  rules which will require individuals to produce financial information at the outset of a judicial review claim.

This post will be of interest to all those advising on the funding of judicial review claims. Continue reading

REUTERS | Thomas Peter

In a series of blogs, Andrew Little of Hill Dickinson LLP looks at some practical guidance to avoid issues with rogue suppliers, bad contracting practices and fraud aimed at public sector bodies (PSBs).    Andrew presented on this topic at the NDPB Lawyers’ Group training day in June 2015. In the third in the series, Andrew looks at issues around external fraud in the public sector. Continue reading

REUTERS | Gary Hershorn

In a series of blogs, Andrew Little of Hill Dickinson LLP looks at some practical guidance to avoid issues with rogue suppliers, bad contracting practices and fraud aimed at public sector bodies (PSBs). Andrew presented on this topic at the NDPB Lawyers’ Group training day in June 2015. In the second in the series, Andrew looks at issues around contract formation. Continue reading

REUTERS | Russell Boyce

In a series of blogs, Andrew Little of Hill Dickinson LLP looks at some practical guidance to avoid issues with rogue suppliers, bad contracting practices and fraud aimed at public sector bodies (PSBs). Andrew presented on this topic at the NDPB Lawyers’ Group training day in June 2015. In the first in the series, Andrew looks at cold call contracts. Continue reading