REUTERS | Ali Hashisho

Practical Law Public Sector addresses the questions that schools may ask local authorities regarding day-to-day school management and sets out the legal issues to consider when responding:

This FAQ examines conflicts between school uniform policies and wearable items that are manifestations of a pupil’s religion. For details of all our school hotline queries, please see Practice note, Schools hotline FAQs.

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REUTERS | Juan Carlos Ulate

On 27 November 2014, the Chartered Institute of Legal Executives (ILEX), the Law Society and the Bar Council published a joint briefing paper considering the Lords’ amendments to Part 4 of the Criminal Justice and Courts Bill 2013-14 and 2014-15 (Bill) and its implications for judicial review. Their paper urged MPs to vote in favour of the Lords’ amendments when debating the amendments on 1 December 2014. Continue reading

REUTERS | Dado Ruvic

Our fourth post of 2014 on the key developments in public procurement legislation and policy that lawyers need to be aware of covers the period from September to November 2014. It does not consider case law as this is covered in our monthly public procurement case digest. For a summary of the latest cases, see Public procurement case digest (October 2014).

Subscribers to Practical Law can keep up to date with the latest public procurement developments by signing up to the Practical Law Public Sector email update (available weekly) or the Practical Law Competition updates (available daily). Updates are also tweeted on the @PracLawProcure Twitter feed. Continue reading

REUTERS | Ronen Zvulun

Practical Law Public Sector addresses the questions that schools may ask local authorities regarding day-to-day school management and sets out the legal issues to consider when responding:

This FAQ looks at the issues surrounding including pupils with disabilities in school trips. For details of all our school hotline queries, please see Practice note, Schools hotline FAQs.

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REUTERS | Yuriko Nakao

This is the latest in our series of quarterly education update blogs which will enable readers to catch up on the most important cases, issues or developments in education law from August to October 2014. Please feel free to submit a comment below or send us an Ask query if you have any views on the cases, issues, or legal development that are covered or if you think we have missed something that should be brought to the attention of education law practitioners.

In this post, we look at:

  • Recent education decisions.
  • Changes to the special educational needs regime.
  • Government guidance.

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REUTERS | Andrew Winning

October’s case digest includes a number of applications to lift automatic suspensions (including one failure!), as well as details of a bad month for EU institutions being investigated by the European Ombudsman.

Please feel free to submit a comment below or send us an Ask query if you have any views on the cases covered or think that we have missed a case that should be brought to the attention of public procurement practitioners. Continue reading

REUTERS | Ali Hashisho

Practical Law Public Sector addresses the questions that schools may ask local authorities regarding day-to-day school management and sets out the legal issues to consider when responding:

This FAQ looks at schools’ responsibility when pupils’ valuables go missing at school. For details of all our school hotline queries, please see Practice note, Schools hotline FAQs.

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