Recommended actions for e-mail for week ending 27 February 2013

PLC Public Sector reports:

Make sure that you have not missed a key development in your area of the law by reviewing our latest list of recommended actions.

Central government: lawyers in Wales should be aware that the Welsh Government has proposed a new constitutional settlement for Wales as the basis for its submission to the Silk Commission.

Civil litigation: Litigation lawyers should note that:

  • The practice direction making document for the 60th CPR update has been published.
  • The Supreme Court has ruled on the circumstances in which a judge can change their own decision (L and B (Children)).

Employment: employment lawyers will be interested in the following recent developments:

  • The Parental Leave (EU Directive) Regulations 2013 have been approved by Parliament.
  • The EAT has held that a witness statement and the circumstances in which it was obtained can be covered by judicial proceedings immunity (Singh v Reading Borough Council and another).
  • The EAT has upheld a tribunal decision holding that exempting a disabled employee from an absence management policy was not a reasonable adjustment (Jennings v Bart’s and the London NHS Trust).
  • The Advocate General has given his opinion on the Alemo-Herron and others v Parkwood case stating that EU law does not prohibit a “dynamic” interpretation of TUPE in relation to collective agreements.
  • A whistleblowing commission has been set up by Public Concern at Work.
  • Acas has:
    • published a consultation on a draft Code of Practice on the extended right to flexible working; and
    • published its response to the government’s consultation on how the new mandatory early conciliation process should work under the Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Bill.

Environment: environmental lawyers may be interested in reports that EDF has launched a civil claim for damages against gas power station protest group, “No Dash for Gas”.

FOI and data protection: information lawyers should be aware that:

Housing: housing lawyers should note that the Supreme Court has held that offering families separate units of accommodation will satisfy a local authority’s housing duty under the Housing Act 1996 (Sharif v London Borough of Camden).

Local government: local government lawyers should be aware that:

Property: property lawyers may be interested to note that the Land Registry is working on a pilot scheme to centralise property information on to a digitised register.

Public procurement: procurement lawyers should be aware that:

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