Recommended actions for e-mail for week ending 4 May 2011

PLC Public Sector reports: 

Make sure that you have not missed a key development in your area of the law by reviewing our latest list of recommended actions.

 Equality Act: legal advisers advising on compliance with the requirements of the Equality Act 2010 should note that an order has been made bringing into force an updated version of the guidance on matters to be taken into account in determining questions relating to the definition of disability.

Waste (Wales): Welsh authorities should note that regulations have been made that supplement the Waste (Wales) Measure 2010 by making detailed provisions for monitoring and enforcing of the binding targets for waste that must be recycled, prepared for re-use or composted.

Charging decisions for social care:  Welsh social care providers should note that the Social Care Charges (Review of Charging Decisions) (Wales) Regulations 2011 have been made and set out what should happen when a service-user wishes to review a local authority’s charging decision in relation to a direct payment arrangement.

FOIA: information practitioners will be interested in the decision of the Upper Tribunal ordering the Ministry of Defence to disclose further information on extraordinary rendition.  The decision clarifies the use of the exemptions in section 12 (cost limit) and section 40 (personal data) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000, but reopens the question of whether public authorities have a right to claim new exemptions for the first time when a matter reaches the tribunal stage.

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