Recommended actions for e-mail for week ending 8 May 2013

PLC Public Sector reports:

Make sure that you have not missed a key development in your area of the law by reviewing our latest list of recommended actions.

Queen’s Speech: all public sector lawyers should note the provisions in the Queen’s Speech 2013, which include the introduction of a Local Audit and Accountability Bill.

Central government: those in central government may be interested in the:

  • Government’s response to the BIS report on the operation of the Insolvency Service.
  • Completion of the transition of government websites to the new single GOV.UK domain.

Civil litigation: civil litigation lawyers may be interested that the:

Education and social services: education lawyers and those working in the Court of Protection will be interested to note that:

  • The DfE has updated its advice on standards for school premises.
  • Thirty Nine Essex Street has published its Court of Protection newsletter for May 2013.

Employment: employment lawyers should be aware of the:

  • Employment implications of the Crime and Courts Act 2013, which will merge county courts and allow some court proceedings to be filmed.
  • Employment implications of the Justice and Security Act 2013, including the proposal to allow “intercept evidence”.
  • Consultation published by DEFRA, on the proposed changes to the Gangmasters Licensing Authority.
  • EAT rulings holding that:

Environment: environmental lawyers should note the following judgments:

FOI and data protection: information lawyers should be aware that the:

  • Council Presidency proposals for EU data protection reform were leaked and published on a civil liberties website.
  • First-tier Tribunal (Information Rights) has ruled that the form of original documents can be disclosable “information”, which must not be withheld by providing the data in a different format (Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority v Information Commissioner and another).
  • ICO has updated its definition documents for the publication schemes of principal local authorities, government departments and higher education institutions.

Housing: housing officers may wish to be aware that regulations covering the selling and gifting of mobile homes come into force on 26 May 2013.

Local government: local government lawyers should note that the:

  • Public Audit Wales Bill (which reforms audit arrangements in Wales and provides for the Auditor General for Wales to audit local government bodies in Wales) has received Royal Assent.
  • High Court has rejected a judicial review challenge to Barnet Council’s outsourcing decisions (Nash v Barnet London Borough Council).
  • DCLG has published guidance for billing authorities on the council tax empty homes premium.
  • DCMS and DCLG have issued a joint technical consultation on mobile connectivity in England.

Property and planning: property lawyers may be interested that the:

Public procurement: procurement lawyers and officers should note that the General Court has dismissed an appeal by an unsuccessful tenderer against a decision of the European Commission.

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